Smart Connection

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Revision as of 20:08, 20 August 2015 by Dani (Talk | contribs) (added info about checkin)

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Smart Connection connects Enterprise to InDesign and InCopy. The most noticeable change is the addition of a login prompt when the program starts and a "Smart Connection" menu.

Checking out a file for editing

Once logged in, the Smart Connection panel (available via Window—>Smart Connection) allows easy access to your inbox, a search tool and a browse function available from the dropdown in the upper left corner, next to the refresh button. Colored boxes indicate a file's current status.


As in Content Station. the pencil icon indicates which item(s) your account currently has checked out for editing, and the "In Use By" column shows who else has content checked out.

The arrows to the left of layouts will show the files included in each layout.

Right-click on a file to access its properties, view which dossier(s) it appears in, or access previous versions.

While editing a file, use the regular File—>Save command frequently to save a version of the article without closing it.

Checking a file back in

Go to the Smart Connection menu and choose "Check In Article". Update properties as needed. The article will close.

If you don't wish to save the changes you've made, select Smart Connection—>Abort Checkout.